The Living Word- Church Mathare North is an evangelical church located in Mathare North, Nairobi - Kenya. We are a family church, commited to following Jesus and ensuring holistic ministry. Our Mission is to reach out to the Mathare community by sharing the gospel of Jesus and purposefully working towards physical and spiritual empowerment. We do this through Evangelism and Discipleship, Community Empowerment, Health intervention and Education provision.
Welcome to this webpage to learn more about our Ministry.
Living Word Church in partnership with the Foundation for Peace is building the Mathare Community Center (MCC). We are looking to you for assistance and support!
The Mathare Communty Center, is an upcoming facilty that will serve as a nerve center for our work in Mathare North and its environs.
In 2012, and in partnership with the Foundation for Peace, the Living Word Church Mathare North began the process of land acquisition, planning and designing the facility, and commencement of the building process. The facilty is envisioned to house a church, medical clinic, community hall, community library and business incubators for our community empowerment program -all under one roof.
The facilty is now 50% complete and is in partial use as we look foward to completing it to enable us fulfil our vision, mission and objectives.
By clicking on the link below, you can donate by the use of the FFP webpage. Write Kenya MMC project in the comment box. 100% of the donations received by FFP will be used for the MCC project! They will also provide you with donation receipt for tax purposes.
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