The Foundation for Peace (FFP) has worked hand in hand with the Living Word Church in Mathare North since 2006. As a result, we have purchased land, are putting up the MCC and have seen thousands of patients over the year and attended to their needs. Several collage scholarships have also been given to community members.
Since 2005, The Living word church has partnered with the Giraffe Childre's Charity in providing both primary and secondary education to needy and deserving students from Mathare community.
Tumaini School has been our connecting point in this endevor
The Canadian Charity that works in Kenya and Rwanda has a good partnership with the Living word church in the area of Education.
As a result of the accomodation challenge for orphans that Tumiani School and the Living word Church could not cater for, Steve and Rosemary bagan the BYgrace Childrens Home.
This home remeins a key parner with The Livingw Word Church in mathare North and cross sharing of ideas has been key.
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